IES Publications
IES Publications is a consortium of writers, editors, teachers and test prep coaches who have all put their heads together to reverse engineer the SAT and ACT. At IES Publications, we strive to create material that will meet the standards of our discerning audience. Working in tandem with IES Test Prep, a test prep academy that tailors its courses to the most advanced students, we noticed a marked gap in test prep material that would satisfy our elite student body. Based on the popularity of the work we have already published for use in our classes, we thought, why stop at just our students? With a staff of writers, editors, and educators, and with a wealth of research and development about the SAT behind us, our material stands tall above the rest.


SAT Test Material

SAT Reading: World Literature - Advanced Practice Book
Featuring the same U.S. and international authors present on the official SAT, this diverse collection of passages is your key to test-taking success! All 500 questions test you exactly as the SAT would, focusing on aspects such as characterization, theme, plot, and main idea. And our 2000 Detailed Answer Explanations will help you understand how to avoid the common traps found on the SAT. Control The Test!® now and achieve your goal score!

SAT Writing Advanced Practice Book
The most challenging SAT Writing questions are made simple and easy with this practice book! Master advanced grammar concepts: punctuation usage, difficult transitions, and cohesion/organization of ideas. With 10 Lessons, 525 Questions, and 5 Writing Tests, you will succeed on the SAT!

SAT Reading: Vice and Virtue - Advanced Practice Book
Dense text and U.S. founding documents are made easy and accessible through this practice book. Students receive a chapter-by-chapter overview of principles and tenets that establish American democracy and its influence on a global scale. Included in each chapter are passages with questions that match the quality of the New SAT U.S. History/ Global Conversation passages. With chapter-by-chapter overviews on democratic history, 50 specialized U.S. History/ Global Conversation passages, and 500 SAT Reading practice questions, you will succeed on the SAT!

SAT Essay Practice Book
Though the essay portion is now optional on the SAT, the essay score will be used by competitive colleges and become the tipping point between rejection and acceptance for many students. This practice book provides over 20 essays for students to practice and improve the reading, analysis, and writing skills needed to craft a successful student response. Reading, analysis, and writing are made easy through IES’s simple breakdown and testing strategy that focuses on the key elements of any essay: pathos, ethos, and logos.

SAT Practice Tests Book
SAT Practice Tests Book
Replicate the New SAT experience, from the comfort of your own home! With the five practice tests in this indispensable volume, IES Test Prep will immerse you in the challenges in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics presented by the re-designed exam. Seeking for the most up-to-date material? Eager to improve your score? The tests you need are right here.

SAT Verbal Tests Practice Book
Efficient in format and rich in information, this collection of test sections for the SAT is your key to test-taking success. Delve into the high-priority Reading and Writing topic areas, assess your strengths, and eliminate your weaknesses. You can count on IES and its fifteen years of expertise to lead you to your target score.

SAT Reading Practice Book
Confront and conquer one of the most challenging SAT sections with this new, expert-designed workbook. Ten full SAT Reading tests will give you the intensive practice that you need to enhance your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Be part of the IES record of excellence, and get ready to raise your SAT score!

SAT Math Practice Book
The most challenging SAT Writing questions are made simple and easy with this practice book! Master advanced grammar concepts: punctuation usage, difficult transitions, and cohesion/organization of ideas. With 10 Lessons, 525 Questions, and 5 Writing Tests, you will succeed on the SAT!

ACT Test Material

ACT English Practice Book
All students who take the ACT English must master a challenging variety of skills.This section tests everything from the fine points of punctuation and grammar to the essentials of how an effective essay is constructed—paragraph-by-paragraph,point-by-point. The question types can seem unpredictable, and the pacing—45minutes for 75 questions—can seem demanding. Yet with this book, you can truly take control of the ACT English test. It’s time to achieve your target score.


ACT Reading Practice Book
The Reading Section of the ACT challenges test takers to read efficiently yet attentively. Both speed and accuracy are necessary, and these are the qualities that you will build with this ACT Reading practice book. Created and edited by the veteran test prep instructors of Integrated Educational Services, the techniques, passages, and practice questions in this volume are designed to help you dramatically refine your methods and dramatically improve your ...

More Books Coming Soon!

Khalid Khashoggi, CEO
A career educator with a uniquely cosmopolitan outlook, Khalid Khashoggi graduated from Princeton University and traveled widely before settling in the New York-New Jersey area. There, he founded Integrated Educational Services ...

She graduated from Syracuse University where her field of study included English, Literature, and Writing. Her career as the consummate SAT instructor started after years of in-home tutoring. Her invaluable experience led to the creation ...

Chris Carbonell, Editorial Director
Chris serves as the Editorial Director and Operations Director for IES Test Prep. He graduated from New York University with a focus in Dramatic Writing and Asian-Pacific-American Studies. Chris began his IES career as a part-time SAT Reading and Writing ...

Get a helping hand on your quest to slay the SAT or ACT.
A specialized, technique-based SAT preparatory center in Metuchen, NJ.
At Integrated Educational Services (IES) we offer a wide variety of courses to help you prepare for the SAT and other college entrance exams. We are a highly specialized tutoring program with a unique technique-based curriculum.
IES became a leader in the test prep field through word-of-mouth dissemination by thousands of satisfied customers, parents and students alike. We developed our technique through countless hours of one-to-one tutoring in the homes of every student-type in NJ. From the highly advanced to the non-native english speaker, each one of our students provided the basic research material for us to develop what is now a very well honed teaching style. From Saddle River to Allentown, NJ we brought the IES technique to hundreds of NJ homes.